English Pamphlet ~Japanese Department~

We offer support to help students decide on the universities and grad-uate schools they wish to go to, as well as choosing schools. You can aim to improve your Japanese abili-ty in an environment with students of many different nationalities. First impressions are vital in job searching. We invite outside instructors to teach students about how to wear suits that give off better impres-sions, personal groom-ing, and maintaining suits during the job searching process. Before you start job search-ing or working, it is far better to be able to experience the workplace yourself than just hear about it at an informa-tion session. Internships give you that chance. You can fur-ther understand the industry and job type, as well as ana-lyze your strengths and weak-nesses more.We offer individual guidance on creat-ing research plans and preparing for job interviews, in accordance with your career hopes.Tokyo International Business CollegeJob and Career SupportSupport for job hunting Year 1Suit SeminarsInternshipsYear 2Company Informa-tion Sessions Held On CampusWe invite staff from vari-ous companies to hold information sessions on our campus. They even hold first round inter-views. This is a valuable opportunity available only to TIBC students, where staff give explana-tions on their companies. Resume Strategy Seminars When you first write When you first write your resume, you can learn in advance the meaning of submitting a resume as well as how to promote your-self in your resume. In addition, we offer guidance on how to write resumes that you submit to companies, as well as training on how to answer questions that may be asked in group interviews and interviews with executives. Support for Transferring to Vocational Schools, Universities, and Graduate Schools

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